Digital Migration residence permit
Digital Immigrants (International remote working)
Non-EU foreigners can apply for an international remote work residence permit to carry out a business or professional activity remotely for companies located outside the national territory, using only computer, telematics and telecommunication means and systems.
If the case is the employees working in companies, the applicant can only work for companies located outside the national territory.
If the case is the self-employed professionals, the applicant will be allowed to work in a company located in Spain as long as the percentage of such work does not exceed 20% of their total professional activity. The rest must be foreign companies.
What do I need to prove to apply?
• Evidence of undergraduate or postgraduate degree or at least three years of professional experience from recognized prestigious universities, vocational training and prestigious business schools.
• The existence of actual and continuous activity on the part of the company the applicant has a contract.
Permit types and duration
Visa: While the applicant is outside Spain, he/she will obtain a residence and work permit valid for the entire national territory if he/she wishes. The duration of the permit is 1 year, except that the working period
is shorter, and in this case the visa period will be the same.
After the end of the first 1 year term, you must apply for a residence permit.
Residence permit: Once the applicant is legally in Spain, he/she will receive a 3-year permit to reside and work in the national territory if he/she wishes.
Will my family be able to come to Spain with me?
This visa and permit allows the holder and his/her family to take necessary action at the same time. How long does it take to result?
Applicants will receive a result just in 20 days and the no reply is positive, this means if you do not receive a response within this time, the decision is considered approved.
What taxes will I pay?
This process can be compared to the law called Beckham Ley.
In this way, you will only pay 24% of the income (IRPF) (income tax for natural persons) of up to € 600,000 from your work; and you will not have to pay wealth tax or pay for your assets.
Where can I apply?
You can apply from Spain or abroad, as the case.