Requesting an initial authorization for studying in Spain

Requesting an initial authorization for studying in Spain

Requesting an initial authorization for studying in Spain

If you plan on coming to Spain to study and you are a non-European citizen, this is the authorization that you must request. Obtaining this authorization will allow you, in addition to carrying out your studies, to get to know the culture of our country and decide, if you had considered it, to settle permanently in our country. This authorization must be requested for studying stays of more than 90 days and a maximum of one year. If you decide that you want to continue studying in Spain, this authorization can be extended every school year until the end of your studies.

How do you apply for the initial authorization for a study visa in Spain?

The initial request for a study visa is submitted to the consulate of the demarcation in which you reside. We help you prepare all the necessary documentation. You must demonstrate sufficient financial means to support yourself during your stay, as well as full coverage by a private health insurance. In addition, for authorizations of more than six months, you must submit a criminal record certificate and a medical certificate.

Can relatives accompany a foreign student in Spain?

Yes, as long as it is your spouse or your minor children. Their cards will be directly linked to that of the main applicant.

Will I be able to work during my studying stay?

Yes, but you must prove that it is an activity compatible with your studies and that the income obtained is not necessary for your support. Adult relatives of the student will not be able to work.

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